A 7-week Sacred Series starting 1/11 and ending 2/22
Saturdays 9:00 - 10:15 am EST
Saturday, ruled by the planet Saturn, is a potent day to attune to the energy of discipline and dedication. It is a day energetically aligned with self-reflection, personal growth and visioning for the future. The Saturn energy will support our Kundalini practice, help us overcome obstacles and achieve our aspirations.
Start your Satur(n)day with introspection, meditation and movement, connecting you to higher consciousness. This energy allows us to attune to our life’s purpose and navigate challenges with determination and resilience. May we come together in supportive community to activate a fulfilling journey toward self-discovery and personal growth. May we speak our truth, live our truth, gracefully release all that is no longer in alignment with our truth and connect to right action for the greater good of all.
Upon sign up, receive a 10 minute Kundalini meditation video recommended for daily practice. Each Saturday we will practice these meditations together to attune to openness and invite clarity to rise throughout our courage activating Kundalini kriya.
May our 7 week sacred connection support our ability to be brave and compassionate, spreading loving kindness wherever our paths take us.
**** The first 7 signs ups: $108 ***
Thereafter the energy exchange: $135
Can’t commit to the full 7 sessions, drop in for: $27
Venmo or PayPal @shell2theworld with Sacred and your Email
Receive the recommended daily meditation video
and the weekly live zoom class link
Endless Gratitude <3 Be well